Just as in any profession, there are specialities in astrology. While Natal Astrology deals with individual people, there is a branch of astrology known as Mundane Astrology that analyses world trends and events. Mundane Astrology is considered an advanced speciality, and it is usually only undertaken by experts in the field. The study of politics falls under Mundane Astrology. Common methods used in political analysis are the study of the charts of leaders and politicians, the study of the charts of nations, and the study of current eclipses.
The Charts of Leaders and Politicians
When analysing politics, it is common for Mundane Astrologers to try to obtain the Natal Charts politicians and world leaders. A Natal Chart is a map of the position of the stars and planets at the moment of one’s birth. Obtaining a Natal Chart for a politician or world leader can be a rather difficult task. To cast a full Natal Chart, one must have a person’s date, time, and place of birth. While the date and place of birth are usually public record, the time often is not.
Depending on the country or state of the person’s birth, the time of birth may be private, particularly while the person is still alive. For example, one of the difficulties for astrologers trying to predict the 2016 election in the United States was that there was conflicting information as to Hillary Clinton’s time of birth. In 2008, when there was controversy over Barack Obama’s citizenship, and he released his Birth Certificate in response, astrologers were overjoyed because it had the time of his birth on it, so they could finally cast an accurate chart for him.
If an astrologer has a reliable birth chart for a leader or politician, he or she can use that chart to predict the career path for the person. For those seeking office, the astrologer will analyse whether they are at a high or low point in their career based on their chart. Caution is necessary for this analysis, however. Seeking office may be a high point in someone’s career, but that does not mean that he or she will win the election.
In the days of ruling monarchs, the chart of a reigning king or queen was considered to predict the fate of the entire country. The monarch’s chart could also be used to determine the likelihood of success or failure of a rebellion. For this reason, astrologers could be executed for treason for casting the chart of a reigning monarch without express permission.
Charts of Nations
Just as people have Natal Charts, nations have charts that can be calculated from the moment they began. As with people, however, sometimes it is difficult to determine the actual moment a country began. Take, for example, the chart of the United States. When was the actual birth of this country? There are several different options that continue to be the subject of debate for astrologers to this day.
Most astrologers accept the date of the Declaration of Independence as the birth date of the United States, but the actual time of its signing was not recorded. Astrologers have worked to reconstruct the time from the records that exist and from comparing various times against known events in the country’s history. Several of the Founding Fathers of the United States, including Benjamin Franklin, were also astrologers, so it is generally assumed that they elected the time of the signing to coincide with an auspicious astrological chart.
The current most commonly used chart for the U.S was proposed by the 18th Century English astrologer, Ebenezer Sibly, cast for 5:10 pm on July 4, 1776. On the other hand, the acceptance of this chart is by no means unanimous, and the chart of the U.S. continues to be disputed among Mundane Astrologers to the present.
Deciding upon the chart for a country becomes crucial when trying to predict or analyse elections. An astrologer will use the best data available for the candidates to cast their charts. Then he or she will compare the charts of the candidates with the chart of the country to see the connections between them. Successful candidates will generally have charts that resonate with the country they are seeking to serve. Read more on astrology charts: https://numerologysign.com/
A third commonly used technique among Mundane Astrologers is the casting of charts for the most recent eclipses. While of course, the Earth revolves around the Sun, astrology is the study of how the movements of heavenly bodies impact us. For this reason, in astrology, we operate from a geocentric, or Earth-centered, perspective. From the perspective of the Earth, the Sun revolves along a path known as the Ecliptic. The Moon and all of the other planets have orbits that are tilted in comparison to the Ecliptic, so they cross the Ecliptic at two places, once when moving North and once when moving South. The places that the Moon crosses the Ecliptic are called the North and South Nodes.
From the perspective of the Earth, the Sun and the Moon seem to be the same size in the sky. For this reason, when the Sun is close to either of the Nodes, any New Moon will generate a Solar Eclipse and any Full Moon will generate a Lunar Eclipse. These eclipses will be visible somewhere in the world. This means that about every six months, there will be eclipses, and they usually come in pairs or sets of three.
Eclipses are important in the field of Mundane Astrology, because their impact is large scale. They foretell the birth and death of important leaders, natural disasters, revolutions, and the general mood of the population. The impact of eclipses is most powerful where they are visible, but one can also look to the chart of an eclipse to see other places that may be affected. In astrology, there is an ancient tradition related to the signs that govern a territory, which Ptolemy recorded in his seminal textbook, The Tetrabiblos, in the 2nd Century C.E. In reading the chart of an eclipse, prominent signs in the chart will point to specific regions for further clues as to what will happen and where.
In conclusion, the study of politics through the lens of astrology is complicated. The astrologers who do this work are often the most experienced and well-respected in the field. Common techniques used by such astrologers are the analysis of the charts of leaders and politicians, the charts of nations, and eclipses.