Using Astrology and Signs Of The Zodiac To Improve Tarot Readings

Photo by Anastasia Dulgier
Photo by Anastasia Dulgier on Unsplash

Astrology is the practice of interpreting the movements and positioning of celestial bodies as a guide for understanding the world and human behaviour.  Using astrology and the signs of the zodiac is a great way to gain insight into people’s personalities and their reactions to situations in their lives.  However, astrology can also be used alongside tarot to determine more accurate readings as well. 

You may not have known, but tarot cards represent different signs of the zodiac.  There are many different types of tarot readings. Finding out which card and zodiac sign correspond can improve your tarot readings quite a bit and help you understand in greater depth.

Connecting Tarot Cards To Zodiac Signs

Each zodiac sign has a linking tarot card in the Major Arcana. Additionally, suits of the Minor Arcana correspond to the elements water, air, earth, and fire.  I think you can see where I’m going here.

  • Cups are connected to Water (Scorpio, Pisces, and Caner)
  • Pentacles are connected to Earth (Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus)
  • Wands are connected to Fire (Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries)
  • Swords are connected to Air (Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini)

In addition to the above, some of the numbered minor arcana cards are linked to various signs of the zodiac. This is useful in a number of ways, but particularly for establishing a greater level of relevance and connection to the tarot reading and the people represented in it. 

Additionally, court cards can symbolize the maturity level and age of a person as indicated below:

  • Pages represent youth, mentally young, “young at heart”, and children
  • Knights represent people who are going through a change, starting over, and young adults
  • Queens are indicative of people who are emotionally developed and mature as well as mature women
  • Kings represent strong, grounded men and men who are born leaders

So I’m sure now you’re confused!  But wait.  There’s more!  In addition to the above there are even more influencing factors to add.  

Court cards symbolize and element.  This denotes that the person represented by a particular card could have an astrological sign of the zodiac but will be induced by the element represented on the card.  See below for more info:

  • Pages = Earth
  • Knights = Air
  • Queens = Water
  • Kings = Fire

What This All Means

There’s a lot to infer from the above information.  Tarot, Astrology, and people in general are all complex in so many ways.  As with much of the psychic realm, perception and intuition plays a big role.  So take what you feel suits your own perception and don’t worry too much about the rest.

Tarot cards and the signs of the zodiac aren’t necessarily meant to tell you the future.  What they are meant to do is offer guidance and unearth some of what you might already intuitively know.  In addition, both practices can serve to offer indications or warnings of upcoming troubles.   So allow this information to serve as continued guidance into the world of the spiritual.

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