Do You Need to Go to College to Become an Astrologer?

According to the research conducted by EssayShark, over 23 percent of the Americans read their horoscopes daily. Nowadays, people are getting more and more interested in astrology as a science about stars. Even the most hardcore skeptics note that society has a deep psychological need for astrological knowledge. People who have started studying astrology, receive knowledge about planets, their influence on the character of the person, and his destiny. The science of the zodiac signs helps to find the right answers to various questions in life.

The modern astrology is a set of ancient knowledge of the analysis and forecasting and innovative methods of processing of the significant volume of the information. This combination of knowledge helps a person to have a better understanding of himself and the events taking place in his life. If you have a desire to become the astrologer, but do not know what to begin with, in this article you will find all useful and necessary information.

What are the options?

First of all, you do not need higher education to become an astrologer. Second of all, going to college can help you become a better astrologer. Are you feeling a bit confused yet? Let us explain. You can start learning astrology on your own. Google can help you find all the general information you might require and even more. Explore the basic notions of astrology, learn about the zodiac signs and planets. There are plenty of sources online that offer simple explanations: dictionaries, forums, websites dedicated to these topics. On the other hand, you can enrol in special courses or even apply to college. Let’s take a closer look at how both these processes go and discuss which one is better.


This approach to studying astrology is quite tricky and challenging. It’s complicated to organize all the material in the correct order. Regardless of what you want to do in astrology: to develop it further as a science, to do research, to teach astrological knowledge, to understand only your horoscope, or to consult people, you need to go to practice immediately after the first class, without delay. But if you have started with theoretical articles of descriptive nature, full of unknown terms, it is not possible to go into practice right away, because you need to “translate” this information first, feel it with some meaning to be able to apply it practically. You can reassure yourself that after reading one more article or a book, it will be clear how to use all this in action. If you have already studied a lot of astrological magazines, and you even seem to understand everything. But if you have no idea how to use your knowledge, you definitely got off on the wrong foot. Remember how we studied any subject at school: a bit of theory and piles of practical tasks: laboratory works and formulae in chemistry and physics, endless exercises in French and other foreign languages. It is absolutely the same in astrology, despite its magic halo of science, with which it is possible to predict the future, it is not based on psychic and visionary abilities of a human, but knowledge and analytical practice.

Courses and College

Astrology schools are good at giving knowledge from the fundamental onwards. Moreover, the transition to the next level of education is possible only after learning and checking previous units. This minimizes the possibility of educational gaps for future astrologers. In addition, studying with a professional who has an extensive knowledge base and practical experience eliminates the number of errors in understanding, interpreting, and applying the knowledge gained. In addition, schools provide a diploma, which is essential for future astrologer practitioners. But no matter how in-depth the knowledge is, no matter how experienced the teacher was, a school graduate is a paper-based specialist. Before becoming a professional astrologer, you must go through the path of independent practice and further self-education, learn to feel the connection of people with the stars. Astrology should become a mindset, not a knowledge system. Without elementary knowledge of astronomy, astrology is impossible, and therefore, it is advised to pay attention to astronomy as well. All this knowledge makes it possible to create a natal map of a person (a horoscope of his birth). This is where you can benefit from the in-depth knowledge that you can get in college, paying attention to the scientific approach to space bodies.

Where can you study astrology?

As we have already mentioned, you can apply to any college that offers majors in astronomy. The combination of the scientific approach and profound knowledge and practice in astrology can help you become a real professional. However, besides state and private colleges, there are also both online and offline courses and schools that teach astrology. Besides, you can find practitioners who can gladly share their knowledge and secrets with new generations. If you are looking for online classes, you can check out the Astrology University, which has a four-year learning program and a diversity of courses. There is also the International Academy of Astrology and the Faculty of Astrological Studies.

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