Think Astrology Is All About Your Star Sign? This Is What You’re Missing!

Ever find that magazine horoscope that you skim through on your lunch break a little, hmm… shallow? Considering that everyone on the whole planet was born under one of only 12 signs of the Zodiac, how accurate can that short paragraph of text actually be? Well, you’re right. But it’s because that throwaway horoscope, relegated […]

Do You Need to Go to College to Become an Astrologer?

According to the research conducted by EssayShark, over 23 percent of the Americans read their horoscopes daily. Nowadays, people are getting more and more interested in astrology as a science about stars. Even the most hardcore skeptics note that society has a deep psychological need for astrological knowledge. People who have started studying astrology, receive […]

Using Astrology and Signs Of The Zodiac To Improve Tarot Readings

Astrology is the practice of interpreting the movements and positioning of celestial bodies as a guide for understanding the world and human behaviour.  Using astrology and the signs of the zodiac is a great way to gain insight into people’s personalities and their reactions to situations in their lives.  However, astrology can also be used […]

Career Astrology: Which Jobs are Compatible With Your Zodiac Sign?

Aries Aries people are very energetic and competitive. They are born leaders and self-motivated. They make good entrepreneurs, stock-brokers and shine in the entertainment business. They also do well in defence jobs. Desk jobs bore them. Their dynamism is handy in fieldwork and action-oriented or front-end jobs. They must avoid routine or monotonous jobs. Arians […]

Political Astrology

Just as in any profession, there are specialities in astrology. While Natal Astrology deals with individual people, there is a branch of astrology known as Mundane Astrology that analyses world trends and events. Mundane Astrology is considered an advanced speciality, and it is usually only undertaken by experts in the field. The study of politics […]