Janet Street Porter Astrology - Birth Chart People Compatibility Reading
Born: 27 Dec 1946, 00:30, London, UK. Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

I've owned more sofas than I've had husbands. Both sag in the end, but I generally fall out of love with the furniture quicker than the men.
Janet Street Porter, born Janet Vera Ardern, is a journalist, broadcaster and a brave, controversial big british media personality. Her career started in the late 1960‘s as a fashion writer and weekly columnist on the Daily Mail and then the Evening Standard. Over recent years, she was made numerous television appearances and in 2011, became a regular panelist on ITV chat show Loose Women. Below is Astrology Yard's interpretation of her astrology compatibility with her friends, family and lovers.
Janet is most known for being the Editor of The Independent on Sunday in 1999 for two years. Since then, she has also been in a partnership with Peter Spanton. Janet has had four husbands and no children of her own. With her Moon placed in the non conformist and rebellious sign of Aquarius Janet was never going to be a conventional type of person.
She was born in working-class Fulham and had a difficult childhood. Janet has a very significant aspect in that her Aquarian Moon is opposed by her Saturn in Leo. Saturn is the planet of difficulty and challenge and for Janet it would directly oppose her emotional happiness shown by the Moon. Indeed Janet loathed her mother, tried to murder her sister and found solace in unsuitable friendships and outrageous behaviour The Moon often shows the mother and close female relations in the chart and this difficult placement was expressed in these relationships. Janet also has Mars, the planet of personal power and strength, very close to her Sun in her chart. On the positive side this gives her an abundance of energy and drive but on the negative side it can lead to conflicts with people as the fiery energy of mars sometimes goes too far.
Janet was actually born with idealistic Neptune on the horizon which has led her over the years to champion many noble causes. Since both her Ascendant and Neptune were both placed in the sign of Libra these causes have often been involved in the sphere of human relationships.
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In The Beginning Is Family

Lunar LegaciesIt begins with your family But soon it comes round to your soul
The Sisters of Mercy
The very first relationship begins within family. No matter what your individual fate may be, your family is where you forged your earliest relationships, took your beginning steps and first experienced an attachment to someone else. Your earliest experiences of forming an emotional bond have a decisive influence on your capacity to feel safe enough to explore relationships beyond the foundation stones of your family. If you experienced a secure attachment then mastery over your environment as you grow up is a lot easier. This is because you were more aware of feeling safe and knowing you were loved. Human beings gain a greater sense of self, distinct from the family, in the shelter of a safe nest and with adequate protection. We learn to develop our individuality when we have developed a sense of belonging. In a perfect world the family matrix supports and secures our sense of self. Ironically, the deeper the sense of safety and belonging, the more capacity there is for individuality and forging intimate adult attachments.
Without an early sense of acceptance and attachment, feeling secure enough to forge bonds outside the family is more complex. In this case, later relationships can become a test of our sense of safety and acceptance. Also our family is a training ground for the ways that we view relationship patterns. Father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter are all relationships that are illustrated in your Horoscope not only as literal figures, but depicting the patterns of relationships. A helpful way of thinking about your mother or father is not who they are, what they did, how they behaved but how this impacted on you and hence created patterns of behaviour in your life.
In astrology this early bonding process is depicted by the Moon. The Moon symbolises what you need to feel accepted and loved. It indicates the nature of your home and your quest to belong. As the symbol of your deepest emotional patterns, it reflects how you nest and protect yourself. Therefore, through the Moon, you can see indications of your living space, eating patterns, and habitual routines. It also represents ‘mother love’, your ability to feel loved and your experience of being loved. It symbolises not only your earliest associations but also your adolescent and then adult relationships.
If your earliest experiences have not been life-enhancing then you may need to change some of your innate relationship expectations and patterns. Modern psychologists would emphasise the need “to re-parent” this part of yourself in adult relationships. The Moon can help in this process by indicating the ways in which you can find solace and comfort in the depths of yourself. It is important to recognise your own needs, so you are not subconsciously expecting your friends and partners to fulfill them. Unmet needs can contribute to feeling dependent and hinder your ability to enjoy true intimacy. The idiosyncrasies, habits and routines you bring into relationships are a function of the Moon. Ironically destiny challenges you in your adult relationships to find healthy ways to nurture your personal needs. Therefore it is of prime importance to come to know your Moon as intimately and as respectfully as you can.
The Moon is in Aquarius
Your Moon is in Aquarius, which is an air sign. When you are born with an Air Moon this suggests that space, whether that is physical, emotional or psychological is important. The astrology sign Aquarius belongs to the group of Zodiacal Signs known as transpersonal. Therefore this combination suggests qualities of idealism and altruism, freedom and distance are important. Aquarius’ concern is often publicly, not personally, spirited and is more future orientated than concerned with the past. While this bodes well for social interaction, it is not easy for intimate relationships where personal and past issues dominate. As a child the need for physical space, intellectual stimulation and movement were high and without these you may have had a difficulty attaching. In a highly emotional or volatile atmosphere you would have felt the need to flee.
As a child you would have found a way to instinctually defend against feeling overwhelmed or smothered. As an adult the easiest way is to create space between you and others, which is probably what you do when you are feeling uncomfortable or trapped. You flee. Yet when you have enough distance and perspective you feel like returning to the relationship that you just left. So while it seems you battle with the issue of ‘Freedom versus Closeness’, your fate in relationship seems to be how you can have both freedom and closeness. Before you have explored and adventured enough, it will be hard to settle down, unless of course your relationship provided you with enough stimulus and freedom. Therefore one of prime patterns that your Moon indicates in relationship is for you to create enough space in your life to feel independent, separate and singular. Without this you are inclined to push relationship away rather than invite it towards you.
With the Moon in this Sign you were born with a strong inclination towards humanitarianism and equality, often difficult in a world that does not necessarily have these values. Therefore you find happiness in helping create a better world. Like your other Air Moon cousins, you have a difficult time reconciling emotions and maxims. Instinctually you may have developed ideals, even doctrines, about relating. And while these credos may be ideal on an abstract and communal level, they are not effective when dealing with deeply personal feelings. When someone close to you is upset or angry, you inflame the situation with axioms and attitudes. Your natural instinct is to separate when it gets too emotionally heated, yet ironically you also seem to draw these relationships towards you. Therefore your learning curve is to find a way to accommodate strong emotions in intimate relationships without separating. You react quickly to feelings with a urge to rationalise or intellectualise, which only creates more misunderstanding. It is important that your belief in noble goals, your urge for perfectionism and your persistent hope for the future does impede personal relationships. Where you are able to bridge the distance between intimacy and idealism is friendship. You have an innate instinct for being a friend. On this foundation you are able to build valuable and loving relationships. You feel nurtured in relationships when your close companions support your need to do your own thing and encourage you to explore other relationships, secure in knowing that the relationship you share is unique.
Feeling Secure in an Insecure World
Planets that affect the Moon need to be honoured and acknowledged in each individual’s style of attachment, as they reveal an authentic way of being in relationship. When aspecting the Moon, planets influence your early development and your ability to be intimate in adult relationships. Hence planets aspecting the Moon influence our capacity for closeness, comfort and trust in relationships.
Jupiter is Square The Moon
When the planet Jupiter combines with the Moon you have a strong urge to explore beyond your family circle, possibly outside your culture as well. You need to feel safe on foreign soil.
Within your family of origin you explore and question family members’ attitudes and beliefs. It is also possible than one or both of your parents were born overseas, are from a different culture or a multi-cultural, religious or bilingual family, or may have lived or been schooled abroad. Whether this is literally so in your case, psychologically this aspect’s essence stresses your cross-cultural needs. Religious and cultural beliefs, academic and innovative education, human values, and hope and optimism in the future play a large role in your security and attachment. How this was accomplished in the family of origin influences the degree of safety you feel in the world. In an adult context this suggests that you might discover the mystery of intimacy when in foreign territory.
If you felt secure in a family atmosphere that prized tolerance, open-mindedness, education and cross-cultural experiences, then you are likely to experience a sense of belonging as well as independence. Encouraged to think beyond the square and accept all cultures and religions, you could develop your natural capacity to explore appropriate ways to extend experience beyond the family circle. You mature confident in your own beliefs and have hope for the future. You are liberal, far-reaching and expansive. You need to be encouraged to find the foreign in the familiar, to spice up your meals and open the mind.
If prejudice, dogma, inflexible beliefs and rigid cultural attitudes polluted your family atmosphere, then the consent to form personal opinions and beliefs was compromised. This would leave you feeling uncertain about your own beliefs or opinions. If your ability to adventure outside the safety zone of the family is impaired, you might have developed a sense of entitlement which keeps you aloof from being involved in exploring differences. When confined by inflexible attitudes you feel unsupported in your vision and human values. This aspect suggests you may have been encouraged to mistrust what is foreign, be apprehensive of the outside world or fear the future. If your family encouraged you to hang onto its limited religious and cultural way of thinking, your hope for the future becomes compromised. With this combination the family values may have been short sighted. However in an adult context it is imperative that belonging or intimacy is forged in a wide-open space that encourages tolerance, exploration and differences.
Your kindred spirits will encourage your natural visions of faraway places, your excitement of foreign landscapes and help you dream the dream of adventure into higher realms. You intimately need to explore beyond the boundaries of your home and homeland, meaning your destiny might be to take root on foreign soil or explore other religions, beliefs and values. Your soulmates will help you to spread your wings and find your sense of where you belong.
Saturn is Opposite The Moon
When the serious planet Saturn combines with the Moon, rules and regulations are an important feature of family life.
If your parents’ values and rules did not support your sense of self or your feelings of belonging, then it is likely that you felt imprisoned in a system not of your choice, but controlled by an external authority. As you mature it is important to consider whether your ability to perform, set goals and be self-sufficient was an integral part of the family atmosphere. Did the family ethos encourage you to be a contributing member of society, follow tradition and respect authority? Or did you feel burdened by the pressure to perform in order to be loved? Your feelings of acceptance may be gauged by your performance; the need to be good and be loved becomes interlaced. Therefore you might have withdrawn rather than reach out. Rather than feeling contained and safe in the family environs, you may have felt that boundaries and rules isolated you, severing you from feeling close and included. Becoming self-sufficient helped to mask your feelings of rejection and exclusion. You may have felt that love was measured or controlled, only meted out with good behaviour or top marks. Performance and acceptance become entangled in feeling safe. Hence your ability to leave the family or other situations is often compromised by your feelings of responsibility for those left behind.
If your attachment was secure, regulations and the consequences when rules were broken helped you set appropriate limits and goals. Firm boundaries ensured you felt safe. Predictability in family life encouraged you to feel in control and helped you manage the gaps of aloneness. Regularity is a vital ally to secure development; however, if this engenders fear and anxiety then the rigidity of the family system suffocates individuality. Hierarchy is essential in early childhood but its grip must loosen if you are to develop a healthy sense of personal autonomy.
If the family atmosphere was cold and distant, your fear of rejection and anxiety at doing the wrong thing was increased. Lacking the appropriate boundaries you were unable to be in control, feeling limited and stuck. A lack of adequate fostering or authoritative guidance added to your isolation in the family. Therefore in later years insularity and isolation are confused with containment and self-control. In an adult context intimacy is impaired through fear of rejection and an exaggerated sense of responsibility for others’ feelings.
Ask yourself if you have the feeling that to be loved you need to be perfect, or if not perfect then in the top percentile. Do you expect the same from your loved ones? It is more important for you to develop a strong sense of values than encompass love and compassion. Then it is your kindred spirits who can accept you unconditionally and provide a safe place for you to belong. Your soulmates are your good-enough folk who show you that what you do is not only better than perfect but so useful. They make you feel that you are a necessary contribution to their lives. But the learning curve is steep as you face the patterns in your adult relationships around earning love, the need to be taken seriously, fear of rejection and self- reliance. Your biggest test is letting someone love you.
Pluto is Opposite The Moon
This combination suggests intense and powerful feelings that may have been first experienced in the family. Issues of trust, honesty, integrity and reliability are forged with the need to feel safe. This suggests very potent, even forbidden or repressed, feelings may have leaked into your family atmosphere. Your fate suggests that there is a dark depth to your feeling life and this is where you will find soul. Like Persephone you need to descend into the feelings to find the authentic other side of self. This might leave you feeling out of control in any relationship, as you find it difficult to trust another.
Your family system may have been confronted with powerful issues of loss and grief as well as taboos and secrets. Power and influence are issues or they have been in the family past and these affect the integrity of your family. The family need for honesty, trust and cohesion are strong due to the ancestral denials and unexpressed grief that infiltrate the current family climate. You were privy to these denials and secrets, even though they were not spoken about. However, you knew them in the depths of yourself, and your destiny is to know that you know the truth even though everyone else may be denying or lying about it.
When safe, you felt protected from harm and part of a tribe that was bound by trust. Emotional honesty in the family would encourage you to be intimate and truthful about what you feel. Negative feelings were allowed to be expressed without fear of judgement or reprisal and were not allowed to pollute the atmosphere of the family. If grief and loss were acknowledged as part of the life cycle, then you were better equipped to let go and move forward with life. But this is not generally the case, as when Pluto and the Moon combine the darker feelings are often left to fester. If so you felt them and were influenced by their potency. However when authentic feelings are allowed to be expressed this engenders honesty, integrity and the powerful sense of being protected and sheltered by indelible strength.
However a darker side could exist especially if your family atmosphere was polluted with secrets, shame or unexpressed grief. This complicates your ability to be close or intimate with others for fear of exposing the secret and betraying the family. In this case separation from your family may be accomplished in a Persephone-like way through being snatched, abducted or seduced into another atmosphere of control and dominance. If power and control are mobilised to suppress a secret, a sense of shame is instilled leaving you unable to differentiate between what is private and what is secret. Power may also have been abusive in that it kept you from expressing your true self. Powerlessness induces rage therefore your family atmosphere might have been polluted with rage and brutal feelings. Feeling unprotected and vulnerable to attack, you learn to mistrust the world at large. When the family is bonded together by an inappropriate secret or shame the risk of difficulty with separation is heightened and anyone outside the family unit is cast in the role of enemy. Transferring loyalties to someone outside the family constitutes betrayal, leaving you in fear of being disinherited.
Therefore you could swing between being charismatic and compulsive. You are charismatic because you are able to confront others honestly and with integrity encouraging a sense of trust. Compulsive because when you hide your true needs or feelings you begin to ruminate and feel compelled to try to hide them. So as an adult issues of trust, power and control will be themes that help you confront you inner strength and conviction. Your kindred spirits trust you and are able to be intimate with the deepest and darkest part of your self without you feeling ashamed or defended. You know you can be completely honest about your feelings, even the darkest ones, and not be chastised or rejected. Your capacity to forge an intimate bond is great; however on the other side you also have the capacity to withhold due to mistrust. But your fate is to learn to trust yourself and know you will be safe. Your family experiences laid the groundwork for this great task.
Home is Where We Start From
In astrology the 4th House signifies the environmental atmosphere of the family home. It is also the terrain of our innermost life where basic needs for emotional security and nurturing are first experienced. It is in this section of the Horoscope where we first experience feelings of belonging, being at home, and being connected. These experiences lay the foundation for security levels in adult relationships. When considering relationships with others, the 4th House symbolises our most intimate ties with family and those who support and nurture us. As well-respected psychotherapist D.W. Winnicott said “home is where we start from”.
Planets in the 4th House describe the climate of your family home and the attitudes and influences of your family of origin. These attitudes shape your sense of inner security and the degree to which you feel safe enough to reach out to others. Because 4th House patterns are not always conscious, the planetary energies may not be fully known or understood until they surface in adult relationships as non-supportive habits and unclear behaviourial patterns. A planet or planets located in the 4th House are bedrock and foundation for the security, inner strength and self acceptance that you later bring into your adult relationships.
Without planets in this sphere, the conditions of the House can be described in other ways such as the Sign on the Cusp and its Ruler. Planets, however, personify archetypal images and without a planet in the 4th, the astrologer's focus would be on the Moon to describe the attachment style moulded through the family. Take a moment to reflect on how you feel the level of emotional safety in your family influenced your relationship blueprint.
The Moon is in the 4th House
With the Moon in your 4th House your emotional security and your sense of belonging was considerably shaped by your family of origin. A strong link to your family develops because you need their support, guidance and nurturing to feel safe. Of course this is a human need, but for your need to belong and feel attached is highlighted by this placement in your Horoscope. With a positive attachment to your family, you are able to leave the nest and return on your own terms. However if your family experience was fractured and unsettled, then you have a more difficult time separating and becoming independent. Your ability to develop a sense of independence may have been compromised by others’ needs, your parent/s’ dependence upon you or undertones and moods that remained unspoken in your family.
You have a sixth sense about what others need. You first experienced this in your family. It might not be something that you are conscious of, but you innately respond to what is in the atmosphere, sensitive to emotional undertones, jarring vibrations or darkened moods. This is not an intellectual knowing; rather it is a gut knowing. The emotional climate in the environment is absorbed by you, often settling in the stomach or solar plexus. Without conscious knowledge of this pattern you might be responding to everyone else’s needs rather than your own, unaware of what it is that you need because of the unfulfilled needs of those around you. When this occurs you feel out of sorts, alone, unsupported, as if no one really understands. Establishing a clear sense of self when it comes to your feelings is difficult for you, but it is a necessity. Hopefully you have an emotionally mature mother and family to help you feel supported and separate enough to know what you need. But if you grew up in a volatile or dysfunctional environment you probably took responsibility for some of the stress, leaving you feeling insecure and unloved. In this environment you feel that to be loved you need to take care of others and put their needs first. Love becomes dependent rather than unconditional. Therefore it is always wise in later years to reflect on the extent to which you care for others at the expense of your own needs. Your tenancy to bond, merge, be symbiotic is great for nurturing a child, but not necessarily supportive in developing friendships and relationships.
Home is important both literally and metaphorically as an image of belonging. Country too. Therefore your natural state suggests you love to be nestled in your home, active in the community and even may wave the flag on the national holiday. In a perfect world you want everyone to come to your house as you have a heart that opens wide to let people in. You are loyal and devoted. But big hearts also hurt big and over time this may have affected the way you love. In an adult context remember your task to provide enough emotional containment and boundaries to protect your sensitivity; be selective about who you invite into that private and sacred space you call home. Your home is the reflection of your inner life and security. When you are unsettled in your self you are unsettled in the home and many of your great life changes will go hand in hand with an important move.
While you do not need to learn to love you do need to learn who you can love. You also need support and encouragement in your closely-knit circles. Remaining conscious of this helps ward off the instinct to care for others when there is nothing in it for you. Common sense dictates you do have to leave home at some point and that may be difficult emotionally and psychologically. Being habitual change does not come easily. But on an emotional level you will return home time and time again, recreating the habitat that is most familiar to you. You want to bring your friends home; you might even bring your work into your home. And from home to home you carry those transitional objects that have become dear to you. Stuffed toys, childhood photos, greeting cards are all-important mementoes of your past. It is natural to collect memorabilia from your life and give it an honoured place in your home.
Your kindred spirits will nurture you just as much as you nurture them. There’s nothing like dinner parties with your closet friends or intimate gatherings to bring it back home to you just how important the image of family is. Family is belonging. Whoever is in your orbit feels like family so just be more select about who that might be. You couldn’t choose your family but you can be choosy about those you share your adult life with. Making a nest is important and in your adult life home plays a major role in your relationships.
Primary Relationships

Our Early SoulmatesOne would be in less danger from the wiles of a stranger, if one’s own kin and kith Were more fun to be with
Siblings, Cousins, Neighbours, Playmates and School Chums
The Third House
The 3rd House significantly contributes to shaping relationship patterns, as this is where the first connection with peers is located. Initial experiences of these relationships make their impression on our attitudes towards companionship, partnership and friendship. Feelings, reactions, trauma, trust, freedom, love, fear, in effect the full spectrum of early relationships, lay the foundation for our adult attachments to friends and partners. This sector of the Horoscope is the storehouse where attitudes towards others that shared our early environment, mainly siblings, but also cousins, neighbourhood friends and primary schoolmates, are contained. Social interactions with partners, colleagues and acquaintances have their origins in these experiences, suggesting the 3rd House of the Horoscope reveals the template for relationship pattern.
The 3rd House is critical when analyzing relationships since it illustrates how we first experience peers and the impact they may have on future relationships. We first test the response from the world through the action or reaction of our siblings and early childhood playmates. The sibling relationship can extend to friends, classmates and others, particularly for only children. In many cases of an only child, fate arranges it so there is a replacement sibling: a cousin, a neighbour, a step-sibling or special friend.
When investigating the 3rd House it is important to recognise our position in the family. Our birth order, along with the number and gender of our siblings, has a considerable impact on personality. Birth order was often a theme in the myths, fairy tales, fables and biblical stories we grew up with.
It is often enlightening to consider your birth position and how that impacts on your relationships. Expectations, patterns we repeat with partners and even our choice of mate may be more influenced by our siblings than we realise.
Following are some illustrations of your 3rd House energies which may help you reflect on your earliest relationships, especially those with siblings, cousins, neighbourhood chums, schoolmates, sports buddies and friends.
3rd House Cusp is in Sagittarius
The Fire Sign Sagittarius on your 3rd House Cusp suggests that adventure, travel, intellectual and philosophical pursuits, along with faith and vision in the future are primary qualities of relationship that are important to you and experienced in some way with your siblings and early friends.
In your early childhood you likely sought adventure beyond your family and cultural inheritance. Early experiences with cousins, neighbours, friends, even step or half siblings might have introduced you to new cultures and new attitudes of life. Or your sibling might be the one who helps initiate you into the vast world that lay beyond the immediate experience of your family and your community. However this symbol weaves its experiences into your life, deep inside you expect your relationships to be filled with exploration, imagination and the quest for what lay beyond the family’s world view.
You might have perceived your sibling as the voyager, the traveller into the higher realms, asking questions you hadn’t thought of asking, going where you hadn’t dreamt of going and exposing you to a world beyond the picket fence that holds the family’s morals intact. Did your sibs or early friends awaken your search for the truth or inspire you to forge your own beliefs? Or did you instinctively know you urge to explore beyond?
From an early age you appear fluent in the ways of the world and may influence others in forging their beliefs and values in the world. In the soul the early images of your partners are guides, explorers and wise ones; at least this is your expectation. You might be disappointed when you find that they are not the worldly-wise gurus you had wanted them to be. You search for an equal that can share your wonder of the world and explore what lies beyond the neighbourhood, someone to discuss the meaning of life with. From an early age you seek a model, a friend or partner that will be the inspiration behind your choice of travel destination, your course of university study, your interest in an alternative religion or your fascination with a particular author. But deep inside your soul is this urge to learn about these mysteries of life and early on you feel you need a guide. On the other hand you might be the one to try to inspire your sibs and friends to be your companion on the journey.
While your upbringing may have had too many rules and regulations, you sought out the library, the sports field, the church and the bush to expand your mind. It was here that you might have encountered your fellow adventurers on the journey of life. From a young age it was important to share your ideals and your ideas. As a young philosopher you might have been bored with traditional learning, as you wanted to be inspired and motivated towards the bigger picture. But education, adventure, travel and the search for meaning would have always been a passionate pursuit especially in the early years of relating. Later in adult relationships you are attracted to those who creatively express their ideas. Your soulmates share this adventure of life with you.
The Sun is in the 3rd House
Having your Sun in the 3rd House suggests how important interaction and communication are in your relationships. From a young age you would have identified yourself in terms of your relationship with others; therefore your sibling and early childhood relationships have strongly influenced the way you relate. This astrological image combines the roles of the personal father with the sibling, suggesting a composite father–brother figure. There are a variety of ways this combination might have manifested. If your father was weak, unavailable or missing, a sibling figure, either brother, sister, friend, even yourself, may have replaced him as the authority or fostering figure. Or father may be a close confidant or ally, combining his roles as a mentor and parent with a friend and equal. However this combination may have arranged itself in your experience, a confusion of roles between authority and friend, big brother and parent may have been a legacy of early relationships. Later this pattern may arise in your adult role as a teacher, mentor, helper and guide to others with whom you may forge a strong attachment.
Father’s birth order, role in the family and attitude towards his siblings are subtle influences on your identity. This placement also highlights the role of the first child or the favoured one. Favouritism may have been an issue in the sibling system and father’s favourite may have been acknowledged and encouraged in ways others may not have been. The Sun may have cast its shadow over the sibling system, splitting the system into those who were favoured by father and those who were not. A boy in this system feels obligated to identify with father’s values. Whether he rejects them or embraces them, they have contributed to what he identifies as critical in his adult relationships. A girl who was father’s favourite may feel in a precarious position, caught between her brother and father. In adult life this may rearrange itself as feeling caught between her partner and son. This position could also suggest the individual may be the sibling who was most father-identified or the one most easily triangulated with father against the others, including mother. We may have a very different view of father from the rest of our sibs and are the one most sensitive to colluding with him. This suggests we may also be the one who ‘looks just like father’, but on a more subtle level, the one who has inherited more paternal ancestral complexes and treasures. Whatever ways this pattern manifests, it suggests that being identified and acknowledged as valuable and central in your relationships is imperative.
Archetypal energies can manifest in a multiplicity of ways; however what is consistent with this astrological image is that your creativity, identity and sense of self are shaped in your early peer relationships and interactions. Whether a friend or rival, your siblings and childhood friends mirror back your sense of self. If you projected your spirit onto a sibling or schoolmate, you would have been aware of their creativity and dynamism, but not in touch with your own confidence and popularity. Initially, your tendency may have been to adore the sibling; however, this projection is gradually withdrawn when growing up. Siblings, cousins, schoolmates reflect your developing identity. With the Sun here, you needed the early relationship to help identify your heroic spirit. Ultimately, you strongly identify with others, but may pass through stages of feeling unacknowledged or not appreciated, before you are able to claim an equal and authoritative position in your relationships. Your best ally is your intention to communicate and be clear about what you feel and need in all your interactions.
Ultimately you are strongly identified with others and companionship is important. You speak the language of relationships and it is in this arena that you shine. Therefore it is with your closest sibling, in a valued friendship, or treasured partnership that you feel alive and vital. It is your kindred spirits who help you shine and feel better about yourself.
Mercury is in the 3rd House
Mercury is the natural ruler of the 3rd House. As Mercury is in your 3rd House, you have an affinity with this territory of being a sibling, partner, friend and companion. It is natural for you to be paired or part of a system. Mercury personifies the second or younger sibling who has his or her own specific place in the family. On one level this is the feeling of needing to catch up with the older ones. And on another level it is the role of the interpreter for family dynamics and disputes. Mercury is the messenger, the go-between, and in the 3rd House personifies the role of mediator and guide for siblings, schoolmates and friends. However, in order to deliver the message, you need to be disconnected enough from the family dynamics to be able to reveal what is going on. Therefore there is a fine balance between being engaged and being objective. With Mercury in the 3rd House you might have been the one who became clever and forward thinking in order to catch up with your elder siblings or friends. Or you could have taken on the role of an interpreter, trickster or negotiator in your system. Early patterns of communication and exchange with your siblings and friends have shaped the level of openness, communication and honesty you are comfortable with in adult relationships
In the Greek myth of Hermes and Apollo, Hermes’ envy of his elder brother’s position prompted him to steal Apollo’s favoured resources. These sneaky actions helped him gain recognition from their father, Zeus, the prevailing authority. In the 3rd House, Mercury’s task is to translate the envy or jealousy of sibling rivalry into a productive and satisfying solution. Likewise you may find that your initial feelings of envy for others’ success or achievements may be your own unacknowledged skills. Through communication and engagement you will find your natural talent and versatility dispels all your negative feelings. Talking about the issues and communicating with others is a therapeutic blessing for you. Hence one of the patterns that may arise in your adult relationship is that you need to be engaged and communicative or else the situation is misread and misunderstood. Therefore to fulfill your urge to be understood, try in as many ways as possible to express your feelings and speak with others, even if it is about your feelings of vulnerability or inferiority. Speaking lightens the feelings and allows you to be more engaged.
Communication and interchange of ideas with your siblings and early childhood chums was an important foundation for your adult ability to share your ideas and converse as an equal. Feelings of intellectual inferiority with a sib may still affect your confidence today. However it is important that you also develop and recognise your own separate skills and talents. Issues of learning, education, communication and conversation are derivative of all sibling experiences, but in your case this is also astrologically apparent. Therefore it is important to reflect on the nature of early relationships and communicative patterns learnt through them.
Mercury has an affinity with being in a system with others. This suggests that your ability to be able to translate and decode both overt and covert messages between siblings and early childhood companions is a skill you can take into the adult world of relating. From early childhood experiences you learned how to make yourself heard. This has influenced the way you are able to put your views across and express what may be difficult. Without expressing your ideas or thoughts you feel disengaged, yet when you are being communicative you feel on track again.
You need variety and diversification in your friendships. Therefore you probably have many friends and colleagues to share your many ideas with. You have eclectic friendships drawn from all walks of life due to your wide interests. As a friend you are able to hook others up to the right person, lead them to the right place and guide them along the path when lost. Being youthful and curious also inspires you to keep searching and engaging with others on many levels. Therefore it is always wise to know the boundaries between friends and partners, and acquaintances and intimate others. And it is your kindred spirits who will teach you the difference.
Mars is in the 3rd House
Mars symbolises a brother, the warrior, the competitor, and when in the third these images may be brought into consciousness through siblings or childhood friends. Mars here illustrates the theme of sibling rivalry, which when identified and honoured can be directed into conscious striving and determination
Aggression is a natural part of relating, and with Mars in your 3rd House you might have first encountered conflict in relationship in your own home with a sibling, cousin, or playmate. When you are living in such close proximity to a partner, yet still developing an identity, it must remind you of the old adage ‘familiarity breeds contempt’. You learnt to defend and stand your ground in early relationships. From an early age you might have had to assert your identity and will against other playmates in the environment and your aggressive and survival instincts may have been brought out through bullying, taunting or goading. Your first experience of aggression may have been with a sibling, learning to juggle what you want with your need to be in a relationship. Hence, early on you might have learned about how to get what you want with others.
Mars also constellates the sexual instincts, and these too may be tested out with the sibling in various ways. Sexual and gender curiosity is brought out in your relations with playmates and siblings who may have wanted to test their sexual or physical virility with each other. Since the sibling system may be where you first experienced aggression, competition, sexual or angry feelings, how these responses were consciously managed impact on your adult relationships. Unresolved sexual or hostile feelings towards the sibling will certainly be constellated in your adult relationships. For a woman, this suggests that a brother image is part of your internal masculine realm. Therefore if you have a brother, he would be an early and appropriate hook for the externalisation of your competitive and driven feelings. Your siblings and early peer groups are an important training ground for taming the aggressive and sexual instincts.
You may have learnt at a young age how to make room in your environment for both your personal and independent needs as well as being in relationship. You have learnt much in the laboratory of childhood and it is your kindred spirits who recognise your vitality and entrepreneurial skills.
Being Kind to our Kin
Another lens we can use to focus on early peer relationships is to look at planetary aspects to Mercury. Mythologically Mercury was a younger son determined to be noticed by his older brother and father and take his rightful place in the family. While he is a mascot for the younger sibling he also personifies the themes in sibling relationships. Rivalry, reconciliation, envy, companionship, separation, communication, support, loyalty and the bond of friendship are all elements of our first peer relationship with our siblings and early childhood sibling substitutes.
Uranus is Opposite Mercury
When the zany planet Uranus combines with the mischievous Mercury there is likely to be evidence that individuality and freedom took precedence in your early experiences with peers and friends. With siblings, and later friends and partners, you need avenues to express your freedom and unique character. With communication and learning you want to adventure and experiment. You have your way of thinking about things which might not always dovetail with the ways others think. The sibling may have been your first image of independence and individuality. Yes you are attracted to the freedom fighter and rebel because you too are self-determined in many ways. However, the other side of the coin may be that your experience of early peer encounters was distant, aloof or cold. In its negative manifestation Uranus-Mercury may feel disengaged, bored, non-committal, leaving you feeling cut off or outside the circle. This is your way of knowing no connection has been made. When connection exists you are lively, wired and expressive. These extremes are part of your early relating until you feel you find your place and your independent nature is accepted and valued. In adult relationships you have an eclectic circle of friends who encourage you to be free and independent enough to feel that you are well connected. Your kindred spirits know how you are wired and love your adventures into outer space, cyber space, and all spaces in between.
Kindred Spirits

Friends, Acquaintances and ColleaguesFriendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies
The Eleventh House
The 11th House is where we hope and wish for a better future, not only for our loved ones and ourselves but also for our wider family. While the 11th House suggests participation with others outside our household we are still prone to recreating unresolved family and relational patterns in the groups, social circles and professional associations we join. Underlying the social relationships of the 11th House represented by friends, colleagues and associates are the primitive patterns and expectations from our earlier peer relationships. Friendship is one of the keynotes of this House and while we feel we have more choice in creating our friendships, we may also discover left over sibling rivalries. The ideal scenario is that we become greater than who we are on our own and in this way friendship helps to expand our boundaries and encourages growth and exploration. The relationships of the 11th House refer to those forged outside the family circle.
This House of relationship is where we meet the kindred spirits who we encounter in the world. Roles and positions have already been forged in our sibling and other relationships and we instinctively take these into our relationships in the broader community. Our impact on society and society’s impact upon us is interconnected with our primary experiences of relationship. In the 11th House we become citizens of a larger community and meet our soul friends.
Relationships feel familiar, as they are kin, allies who are kindred spirits. Hopefully, the spirit that inspires and infuses us is the common link in our friends and colleagues. We can find the sense of belonging to a larger family, being individuals in a larger collective. However, the groups of friends, the group of colleagues, and the organisations we join reawaken incomplete relationship experiences and rivalry once again is experienced. Our friends, close colleagues and kindred spirits can also be the healing agents that help us reconcile and heal the pain of our earlier relationships.
In ancient Greece the polis was not only a representation of the city but also the spirit of the city-state. Here was where democracy flourished, the rights of citizens were respected and the early experiments at sharing power and influence were attempted. The 11th House of the Zodiac is political in that it links the individual in a spirit of equal relationship to others in the collective. Your understanding of the 11th House will help you consider how you forge a democratic, equal and co-operative relationship with others. Impinging upon the success of this is your earlier experiences of relating, your trust in human relationships and your unconscious expectations that you still harbour in relationships. Here you meet your kindred spirits in the world, who share your passions, witness your successes and share your burdens. Both the Zodiac Sign on the Cusp of this House and the planets contained in this sphere will help you reflect on your friendships and group affiliations
11th House Cusp is in Leo
The 11th House represents your community, the groups you encounter and belong to outside the family: groups that you belong to because of your interests, your passions and your professional affiliations. In this House are kin, not bound by blood, but by a similar spirit of interest. Eleventh House experiences include your first class photo, your circle of friends, Girl Guides and Boy Scout experiences, the school council; groups where you were part of the community without other family members. But this House also describes your friends and kindred spirits who share your hopes and wishes and contribute to making your world the ideal place to live in.
With Leo on the Cusp of the 11th House, you seek friends who are generous, loyal and loving. Drawn to those who are creative, self assured and self expressive you are likely to meet your kindred spirits in the playground of life when you are enjoying yourself – at a party, a theatre, a ceremony wherever there is a celebration of creativity. Your friends are your celebrities.
Leo rules the heart, an evocative symbol of what you bring to your friendships. Your warmth and generosity are appealing to others and therefore it follows that if you want to be, you will be popular. As a youth popularity might have been more important than it is today. As you reflect on the past you recognise that approval and acclamation from others was important to your sense of self-esteem. However it also was an indication of your creativity and charm. You are playful, optimistic and love to share in the joys of life. When you engage with others you turn on lights. You have the knack, a gift really, of making others feel better about who they are when you are their friend. But that’s mutual as well. Friends encourage your confidence, applaud your achievements and give you a very high approval rating. If not, then you are not with the right friends.
Being attractive to others has a cautionary side as well. While you may be able to create friendships you not necessarily want your circle of friends to always be an audience where you are the one who is creative and they appreciate that. You need to exchange and co-create. For you true friends are your co-creators in life and ones who share the labours, witness the triumphs and debrief about the reviews. When you need friends to boost your fragile sense of self you may collude with living out their projections of an unlived life. Therefore it is important to recognise that friends are companions who share the drama of life and together you create the scripts.
Friendship and romance may be entwined at the beginning. Within your circle of friends, a first romance might bloom, as the discovery of your self is revealed through your interactions and friendships. Friends help you make important transitions in your life, as they remind you of what is important are where you need to place your loyalties. When you entered school, when you left home, when you got engaged or had your first child, friends were important. Therefore friendships are vital to your sense of we being as you are a natural for relationship. Friends reflect back your generous heart, your spirited creativity and your playfulness and you know your kindred spirits when you feel better about who you are when you are with them.
Soul And Relationship

Intimate Friends and Committed PartnersLove consists in this ... that two solitudes protect and touch and greet each other
The Seventh House
As the poet describes, loving and committed relationships are forged by the alchemy of two individuals. Soul is expressed through individuality and when its unpredictable and mysterious nature is brought into intimate contact with another, a genuinely soulful relationship is possible. The 7th House is the astrological site where individuality and relationship converge. Astrologically, it is the quintessential House of relationship and its process embraces the experience of being with an equal other in a committed and intimate way. From the soul’s viewpoint this is the arena where mutuality, reciprocity and respect for individuality can work to fashion a soulful relationship that embraces the unique character of each partner. Seventh House partners are not just marriage or life partners, but also close business partners and others engaged with you in a committed relationship.
Traditionally this sphere was known as the House of ‘open enemies’. Whereas traditional astrology might literally ascribe qualities to a partner, contemporary astrology sees these qualities as mirror images of what is innate in us. In remaining unconscious of your 7th House energies, you proclaim them as belonging to someone else, generally your partner. We enter a mystery where we are drawn to what appears as opposite and different, yet is only a partial reflection of what is not yet conscious in us. What we sense is kin, congeniality, familiarity, yet not from the system we have known. Destiny hovers on the threshold of the 7th House; therefore the Sign on the Cusp is very often prominent in your partner’s Horoscope.
We can draw an analogy between the arrival of the partner and the birth of a sibling. Powerfully conflicted feelings of love and rivalry, fascination and anger, closeness and separateness are ignited in new relationships. But this is the nature of intimate relationships as strands of each soul are woven together. Astronomically the 7th House is where the sun prepares to set. It is twilight, when the light elongates the shadows and we prepare to meet the dark. Therefore it is the partner who awakens an earlier stratum of psyche where unresolved or incomplete issues and patterns from other relationships may enter into our current relationship.
Our partners are companions, kindred spirits and intimate others. But human nature inclines towards moulding our partners with the clay of our own unresolved patterns and complexes. The material we use for this is often our own projections, fantasies and ideals. Following is a description of your 7th House energies which might help you recognise your own ideals or those you carry for your partners. In reflecting on these and becoming more conscious of underlying patterns, you can embrace these energies more fully in yourself allowing your relationships to be less focused on the past and more anchored in the present and, hopefully more soulful.
7th House Cusp is in Aries
Astronomically your 7th House begins on the western point of the horizon. Astrologically this is the sector of the Zodiac that was setting when you were born. This Zodiacal location is exactly opposite your Ascendant or Rising Sign. Your Rising Sign depicts your personality and independent outreach into life. Your descending Sign or Descendant, as it is known, represents “others”. Therefore the Ascendant-Descendant axis becomes vital in any relationship analysis. It describes the intimate dance between yourself and your partner.
Your Ascendant is Libra; therefore the Fire Sign Aries is on your 7th House Cusp. Fire is a spirited element and its approach to life experience is generally highly instinctive, spontaneous, forthright and willful. With this Element on your 7th House, you are attracted to adventure and spontaneity in your relationships. You are drawn to courageous, competitive and challenging partners who encourage your sense of self-discovery and bring out the urge for adventure. Relationships are a vital area for investigation and experimentation; hence the qualities of adventure, travel and wanderlust in others stimulate you.
Fire is passionate and, like its element in nature, burns new ground and yearns to move farther afield. But with passion and excitement comes restlessness and boredom. Your natural tendency might be to enter relationship in a flash, with verve and dynamism, but find the fires grow cold quickly. Freedom and exploration without commitment are at odds with a relationship. Therefore you need to be in relationship with those who are able to accept and meet your need to adventure and explore and be able to take a risk.
Your burning spirit and quest for adventure and absolute certainty can be doused by negative feeling, lethargy and criticism. Therefore you may easily become frustrated with your partner when you are unable to share your enthusiasm or vigour. You often struggle with negative feelings in your relationship, as you need to be buoyant and feel the rush of life energy. However, your denial of negativity or sadness means that any feelings that are difficult to accept are often brought out into the open by your partners.
What you are first attracted to in others is their independent spirit, vitality, and the way they grab the bill of life by its horns. While you may attract these qualities in your quest for equal relationship, you will also attract the shadow of these qualities. The independent, courageous entrepreneur you admire may also be willful, non-committed and self-centred. But through light and shadow Aries on the 7th draws you into a relationship that helps you be more daring and risk-taking, encouraging you to become the leader you are.
Qualities you admire and are attracted to in others include assertiveness, directness, independence, courage, fearlessness, and self-reliance and get up and go. And it is these very qualities that a partner helps you find in yourself. So don’t be surprised when your kindred spirits have their Sun or Moon in Aries or are champions in their chosen field.
Pleasure, Passion And Love

The Joys of Venus and MarsThere is only a single magic, a single power, a single salvation and a single happiness, and that is called loving
Venus and Mars
To the ancient mythmakers, Venus and Mars were consistently paired together as companions, either lovers or close sibling allies. In Roman mythology they are the deities who preside over the Empire. To the Greeks Aphrodite and Ares were deeply attached passionate lovers or siblings. In the story of “The Odyssey” they are caught in a golden web woven by Hephaestus who wove the fine filament in order to entrap Aphrodite in bed with Ares. Their relationship is an erotic one. In Homer’s earlier epic “The Iliad” their relationship is depicted as less magnetic, yet just as close. Aphrodite refers to him in this epic as ‘dear brother’. Their relationship is devoted and warm-hearted. When we imagine these gods we think of them as eternal lovers, sometimes married, other times not. They represent two layers of soulmates: erotic and emotional intimacy as well as companionship. In psychological terms they represent our inner orientation to pleasure and passion, while in astrological terms they help identify what qualities attract us to others, what we value and desire. Physiologically they are our scent and libido, the innate attractive and active forces that draw us towards companionship.
In term of compatibility and conflict in relationship, Venus and Mars play a leading role. The complete picture of their placement in your horoscope can be fully assessed by a professional astrologer. For this report we are only analysing the planetary sign which signifies qualities and essences important in your intimate relationships.
Venus is pleasure and beauty. Both in body and in spirit, Venus symbolises what you find attractive and the values you place upon your relationships, what you need to feel partnered and your own inner sense of worth and value that wants to be appreciated, honoured and respected. Your Venus sign is a metaphor for those qualities you need in relationship to feel complete.
Mars is passion and desire. Whether spiritual, physical, intellectual or emotional Mars symbolises how you express your desires, frustrations and energy. In terms of relationship it suggests how you assert yourself, deal with conflict and make your desires transparent. Your Mars sign describes how you might express yourself, go after what you want and how you may deal with anger in relationship. In essence it is a symbol of how your life force naturally seeks expression.
Being opposite in nature, Venus and Mars are naturally attracted to one another and often a highlight of your soul mate’s astrological constitution. Therefore take note of the sign placements of both Venus and Mars and how they are reflected in the horoscopes of intimate others. Use these descriptions to reflect on your values and desires. Venus themes in relationship focus on shared values, feeling loved and appreciated, money and pleasure, affection and sensuality while Mars brings themes of sex and desire, independence and individuality, dealing with conflict and the sharing of goals out into the open. By nature Venus is feminine and Mars is masculine; therefore gender wise Venus might be more integrated into the personality for women while Mars might be more accessible for men. That ”Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus thing again. Hence a man’s Venus might be a fair description of women he is attracted to while a woman’s Mars often describes the men she attracts.
Venus is in Scorpio
Therapist seeking Therapist
Imagine this advertisement in the personal column of your local paper. Well you probably do have to imagine it, as I doubt you would announce publicly that you are seeking companionship. You are more inclined to conceal your feelings, but privately you long for the depth of connection that intimacy offers. You value the passion and intensity that closeness brings. However you may mistake emotional crisis and pain for connection or passion and emotion for love. You come alive in emergencies. In dangerous situations or at critical junctures you are fully present. Personally it is wise not to confuse love and crisis as you may end up being the therapist in an ongoing pattern of “therapy love”.
While you may not necessarily be a strong feeling type, when you enter a close personal relationship you are confronted with in-depth feelings, either in yourself or in your partner. Because you have the tendency to connect at the most vulnerable level of your being, trust is always an issue. Or perhaps it is betrayal. Therefore emotional control, jealousy and possessiveness are aspects of relating. Whether you encounter these in yourself or others they are there. Why? Well you have the capacity to love deeply and this sensitivity needs armouring. Secrecy is another way to defend your vulnerability. Money and sex are also intimate pathways but can also be used as a defence against personal disclosure. So is power. Power and love are interwoven. You either open to the power of love or defend yourself with the love of power. Reflect on how you might unconsciously build defences against feeling vulnerable; probably you are still nursing a relationship wound or memories of betrayal. It’s hard for you to let go and open up again, but incredibly therapeutic when you do.
Hopefully it is evident that you have the capacity for deep and abiding relationships. However you also fear the possible loss of the beloved if you were to become intimate. Well the truth is you always lose the ones you love. It might not be tomorrow, even in 20 years, but it will happen. Therefore you are challenged to love in the emotional present which is filled with the paradox of feelings. You value your ability to be emotionally available, unafraid yet respectful of the dark and non-judgemental about other’s feelings. Your integrity and sincerity in relationships does render you vulnerable, but your soulmates meet you, value and love you for your emotional honesty.
Mars is in Capricorn
How you assert yourself in your relationship and take the courage to be your own person is the domain of the Planet Mars. In the earthy Sign of Capricorn you strive to be the captain of your own ship. And you’ve got the determination, will power, grit and commitment to succeed. The Planet Saturn rules your Mars sign and brings his age-old wisdom and experience to what you desire. As a young person this might have been more difficult as you were only allowed training wheels when you were capable of so much more. But with adulthood comes the opportunity and wherewithal to apply yourself to your ambition. You will find your own way to express this powerful astrological archetype, but what is probably common to all the possible expressions is the attitude of authority and the quality of responsibility that you display in all your assignments.
These are highly valuable traits to use in your professional life to get what you desire. But what about the personal arena, how do you express your desires here? Well in a calculated way you could choose partners that support your professional goals. However, more that likely, you will take your time, assess the situation and hold back a bit until you know that you are respected for who you are, not what you do. You have a strong will that can be projected onto your intimate others who might complain about your controlling nature. Be aware of that fine line between controlling and sharing. And also take note of taking time away from your relationships to accomplish your worldly ambitions. You might find you’re successful but not partnered, humming the popular Neil Sedaka song “I miss the hungry years” to yourself. That song is a lament about trading success for relating.
You just want things to work and work well. So you might have to make some room for human frailty, irrationality and emotionality. It’s bound to show up. You want to work hard and be accomplished and you want those you love on board as well. So it’s possible you may start a business together or work in the same profession. Desire for success at work might clash with relationship responsibilities and hence time management is essential in satisfying the demands of a busy life. You bring dignity and worldly wisdom into your relationships and strive to find those who can share your goals and ambitions.
Crossing Paths

Close Encounters with Kindred SpiritsLovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along
The Nodes
You won’t meet your kindred spirits accidentally. In the chronicles of the soul, there are no accidents, only meaningful coincidences; therefore your soulmates are already familiar to you. Whether you come across them in the sacred circle of your family, the playgrounds of your childhood, in your adult establishments or your elderly neighbourhoods, they are already part of you. Whether these relationships last a minute or a lifetime, are filled with happiness or conflict, they are destiny’s design woven into your life’s intricate tapestry. Therefore it is inevitable that at some time your path will intersect the paths of your soulmates.
But when? Well this is the riddle of relationship. Whatever arrangement or timing brings you into alignment with your kindred spirits is the inexplicable mystery of the soul. Astrology is a great aid in this regard as it can bypass layers of rational minds to explore timing in relationships. Astrology’s timing techniques are invaluable in helping to focus on major and meaningful passages in relationship. Consulting a professional astrologer to explore these questions can be highly revealing and rewarding. Within the limits of this report we can draw on an aspect of your horoscope that will help you reflect on your encounters with kindred spirits. This is the House position of the North Node, a signpost that points to where soul may be encountered in relationship.
The House positions of the Nodes illustrate environmental factors that shape and influence your fate, including relationship. This is where the inner and outer worlds lead us to a rendezvous with soul. North Node experiences are out of the ordinary, since its nature is both subjective and participatory with the spiritual world. Therefore the House position of the North Node locates one of the settings where engagement with the spiritual self occurs. The South Node is in the opposite House and describes a familiar place, an area of safety, and a comfort zone that supplies an anchor for our relationships. However it is also a place where we can become fixed, caught in the safety zone of our complacency and neglect the invitation of the North Node. That would be a shame as it is at this pole where you might cross paths with a kindred spirit.
Considering this one image in your Horoscope invites you to feel more masterful in participating with your soul’s journey and more receptive to close encounters with kindred spirits.
The North Node is in the 9th House
You may well journey abroad to meet your soul mate. Picture the following. You are American but living in Paris; you meet someone from England but teaching in Rome. You are studying art; he or she is interested in architecture. You meet at the Accademia art gallery in Florence, feel as though the Fates are smiling on you and continue to learn and travel together. This story is exotic, but this or simpler versions are possible because your 9th House Node pulls you in the direction of the foreign and the faraway. While you may journey to meet a kindred spirit, you do not necessarily need to physically journey abroad to cross paths with kindred spirits; the moment you step into a cross cultural, foreign or educational atmosphere your soul opens to kindred spirits.
No doubt you will cross many borders in your life; in fact you are a boundary-crosser, whether that is into new philosophies, countries or cultures. And it is on these thresholds that you meet your kindred spirits; they too travel between two worlds, expanding their minds, broadening their outlook and educating their souls. Like you, your kindred spirits stand on the platform of life waiting for the express to whisk them away. To find your tribe you are invited to follow your own truth and let your spontaneity be your guide. Who knows where your intuition will lead? But what we do know is that it is guided and protected by some divine force.
The North Node is in the 9th House of your birth chart with the South Node being opposite in the 3rd. This places the sphere of ideas and information in the opposite sector to meaning and imagination. While you might be instinctually able to gather together statements, pieces of evidence, figures, statistics and information, your life task is to infuse these facts with meaning and insight. Therefore you will be inspired to seek out alternate ideas, new techniques of understanding and educational methods. With your North Node in the 9th House you are called to expand your horizons, remove yourself from your familiar surrounds, move out of your comfort zone and look farther afield. There are broader issues, wider social parameters and cross-cultural experiences that you need to research in order to understand the full schema of your life. Your soul urges you to take flight into the search for meaning and the pursuit of higher values. To do this you need to develop a vision and not get trapped by the details of the smaller picture. Outside the neighbourhood and away from familiarity you cross paths with your soulmates. In the university of life, walking the spiritual path or in an ancient mosque you meet your kindred spirits. Also, once met, your kindred spirits will further inspire and urge these explorations.
While you may be more comfortable involved in detailed information and ideas, rather than exploring the larger picture, destiny calls you away from the safety zone of your neighbourhood and all its familiar connections. You are challenged to step away from the security of your schoolmates, your friends and familial surrounds to discover what feels missing. Your kin and friends are always a part of you, always there, a secure base where you can leave. Other kindred spirits are outside these familial and cultural safety sectors. Your gift is that you have an instinctual and intuitive way of being in the world and you will need to journey outside your comfort zones to find the languages that can help you express this. And when you step outside the coherent boundaries of your life you discover exciting new worlds populated by kindred spirits, who like you are searching for greater meaning. Don’t get stuck in analysing or intellectualising it all, let your intuition serve you. It seems custom designed to lead you in the right direction.

Love to some is like a cloud, to some as strong as steel For some a way of living, for some a way to feel And some say love is holding on and some say letting go And some say love is everything, some say they don’t know
Perhaps Love
Songwriter John Denver’s lyrics capture the paradoxical nature of love for each individual. Every relationship whether it is familial or formal, professional or personal, intimate or casual is an invitation to self-discovery. We bring our hopes, secrets, expectations, resources and desires to our relationships and through the alchemy of interaction come to better know ourselves and others. Soul does not strive to work out or control relationship but inspires us to consider what is being asked of us; what is the fate of this relationship? In this way astrology is a unique tool in helping us reflect on the purpose and patterns of our relationships, not to fix or control them, but to understand their complexity and place in our lives.
Kindred spirits are relationships in which a deep bond is present, not inspired by the teachings of a self-help manual but through the soul’s grace. And that is a mystery which astrology helps us to consider. I have written this report to promote a spirit of inquiry into the patterns and purposes of soul in your relationships. Like soul there may be contradiction and confusion, as it seeks understanding not clarity. Also the report is limited in its nature to explore the more detailed and intricate patterns of your horoscope. However it is the author’s sincere hope that it provides an initial step to your reflection on relationships. Perhaps love in the end is what we are willing to bring to it, like the poet Ovid implied in “The Art of Love”: “If you’d be loved, be worthy to be loved”.
The Birth Planets of Janet
Symbol | Name | Degrees | Symbol | Sign | House | Direction |
![]() | moon | 12°32 | ![]() | AQUARIUS | 4 | F |
![]() | sun | 04°39 | ![]() | CAPRICORN | 3 | F |
![]() | mercury | 19°22 | ![]() | SAGITTARIUS | 3 | F |
![]() | venus | 23°15 | ![]() | SCORPIO | 2 | F |
![]() | mars | 07°15 | ![]() | CAPRICORN | 3 | F |
![]() | jupiter | 19°27 | ![]() | SCORPIO | 2 | F |
![]() | saturn | 07°42 | ![]() | LEO | 10 | R |
![]() | uranus | 19°09 | ![]() | GEMINI | 9 | R |
![]() | neptune | 10°43 | ![]() | LIBRA | 1 | F |
![]() | pluto | 12°58 | ![]() | LEO | 10 | R |
![]() | chiron | 05°44 | ![]() | SCORPIO | 2 | F |
![]() | northnode | 11°34 | ![]() | GEMINI | 9 | R |
![]() | southnode | 11°34 | ![]() | SAGITTARIUS | 3 | R |
![]() | ascendant | 08°37 | ![]() | LIBRA | 1 | R |
![]() | midheaven | 11°14 | ![]() | CANCER | 9 | R |
The Birth Aspects of Janet
Symbol | Planet | Symbol | Aspect | Symbol | Planet |
![]() | moon | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | saturn |
![]() | moon | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | uranus |
![]() | moon | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | neptune |
![]() | moon | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | moon | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | moon | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | moon | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | moon | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | moon | ![]() | QUINCUNX | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | sun | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | mars |
![]() | sun | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | jupiter |
![]() | sun | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | sun | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | sun | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | uranus |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | mercury | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | mars |
![]() | venus | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | jupiter |
![]() | venus | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | mars | ![]() | QUINCUNX | ![]() | saturn |
![]() | mars | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | neptune |
![]() | mars | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | mars | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | mars | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | moon |
![]() | jupiter | ![]() | QUINCUNX | ![]() | uranus |
![]() | saturn | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | saturn | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | chiron |
![]() | saturn | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | saturn | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | uranus | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | uranus | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | sun |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | SEMISQUARE | ![]() | venus |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | saturn |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | pluto |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | CONJUNCTION | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | neptune | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | northnode |
![]() | pluto | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | chiron | ![]() | SESQUISQUARE | ![]() | uranus |
![]() | chiron | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | northnode | ![]() | OPPOSITION | ![]() | southnode |
![]() | northnode | ![]() | TRINE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | southnode | ![]() | SEXTILE | ![]() | ascendant |
![]() | southnode | ![]() | QUINCUNX | ![]() | midheaven |
![]() | ascendant | ![]() | SQUARE | ![]() | midheaven |